Fulbright Teaching Fellow
Come along the journey as I travel to Ghana to learn more about Black men in education.

What is this program?
"For more than 75 years, Fulbright Teacher Exchanges, part of the family of offerings within the Fulbright Program, have offered opportunities for educators to learn, teach, consult, observe, and collaborate in classrooms and schools abroad."
Guiding Questions
So what are you studying abroad?
Considering the fact Black male educators make up less than approximately 2% of the teaching force, I wonder about a Black male educator's motivations to enter the classroom as well as the students' perception and reception of a Black male teacher. I realize that Black Americans have a different, distrustful disturbing history and relationship with the American school system, yet I am curious about the personal and communal values that contextualize a black male educator's experience in the classroom. Specifically, I wonder:
1. How are Black male educators perceived and received, especially in a homogeneous classroom like an all-Black classroom?​
2. What (values, experiences, policies) attracts and keeps Black male educators in the classroom?

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Why Global Education?
Building an Intellectual Context
Global education is imperative because our world is in need of global citizens who care and think 'glocally' about fellowship, advocacy, and healing. My study in Ghana is my way to further integrate global education and human rights education into my classroom.

Continuing Education: resources
Disclaimer: The author of this publication/website/blog/etc. is a participant in the 2023-2024 Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program, a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs with funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by IREX. The views and information presented are the grantee's own and do not represent the U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright Program, or IREX.
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